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Workshop on New Work & Design Thinking

Event Detail

Bangalore Chamber of Industry & Commerce (BCIC) and Zurich University of Applied Sciences are proud to announce the "New Work and Design Thinking" workshop on 22nd & 23rd August, 2019.

This 2-days workshop will introduce into basic concepts of “New Work” as well as in the methodology of Design Thinking focusing on self-innovation, social innovation and solution innovation. Explore the entire design thinking process as a tool to create user centered solutions, work intensively on your personal inventory and competencies.

Intended Audience:

Managers and leaders of all levels, HRs, Academicians who want to approach Design Thinking in a straightforward and practical way.


Dr. Michael Zirkler is a professor for organization psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (School of Applied Psychology). He has more than 25 years of experience as a researcher and educator in higher education as well as a practitioner in the area of organization development and change, leadership development, conflict resolution.

He’s been coming to India frequently for the last years and is closely collaborating with scholars. He is also closely collaborating with the Berlin (Germany) based innovation agency «dark horse innovation» where he is serving as part of the academy team offering intensive training on «new work design» (


Workshop completion certificate will be issued to the participants by BCIC & Zurich University of Applied Sciences


    • Outline of the workshop

      This two days workshop will introduce into basic concepts of «New Work» as well as in the methodology of Design Thinking focusing on self innovation, social innovation and solution innovation:

      Day 1 (morning): Self Innovation  Purpose quest (what is my call?), understanding personal attitudes and communication styles, learning about individual relationship management and self leadership. This first half day acquaints with some fundamental individual prerequisites for new work and design thinking.

      Day 1 (afternoon): Social Innovation  Distingushing between role and position, understanding organizational culture, learning about «sociocray» as a tool for decision making, learning about fundamental aspects of social and organziational change. The second half day will introduce you into pivotal social aspects which need to be regarded to get new work functional.

      Day 2 (entire day): Solution Innovation  Learning the entire design thinking process as a tool to create user centered solutions. The second day will introduce you in the steps of design thinking from the design challenge (problem) to the protoype (solution) and its possible implementation.

      What participants can expect

      Participants will work intensively on their personal inventory and competencies. They will gain insights in the way they understand their contribution to the organization’s purpose and outcome, will get options for personal development and leveraging their behavioral capital.
      Participants will learn about the basic methodology of desing thinking in every crucial step on the way to innovative solutions.
      Participants get the chance to build and intensify a network of pioneering practitioners who are willing to personally and collectively invest in new paths of building successful and human oriented organizations. 

      Location requirements, material:

      Sufficient space (particularly on day 2), tinkering material (carton, glue, colors etc.), sticky notes Maximum of 35 participants


      Cameron, Kim S.; Quinn, Robert E. (2011): Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture. 3rd edition. Jossey-Bass. San Francisco.
      Laloux, Frederic (2014). Reinventing organizations: A guide to creating organizations inspired by the next stage of human consciousness (First ed.). Brussels, Belgium: Nelson Parker.
      Robertson, Brian (2016): Holacracy: The revolutionary management system that abolishes hierarchy. London: Portfolio Penguin.
      Zirkler, Michael (2019): H.O.P.E. as the framework for the Positive Organization. IBA Journal of Management and Leadership. 10 (2): 15-22. 

      Dr. Michael Zirkler is a professor for organization psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (School of Applied Psychology). He has more than 25 years of experience as a researcher and educator in higher education as well as a practitioner in the area of organization development and change, leadership development, conflict resolution.

      He’s been coming to India frequently for the last years and is closely collaborating with scholars from, amongst many others: Indus Business Academy (Bangalore) (Prof. Subhash Sharma), Christ University (Bangalore) (Prof. Anuradha Sathiyaseelan), Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur) (Prof. Priyadarshi Patnaik, Prof. Anuradha Choudry).

      He is also closely collaborating with the Berlin (Germany) based innovation agceny «dark horse innovation» where he is serving as part of the academy team offering intensive training on «new work design» (

      Registration link:


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