Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce

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(Humanity – Optimism – Partnership – Empathy)

  • This guide contains information required to get assistance in the hour of urgency related to COVID.

  • Collated and compiled from publicly available data and information by the volunteers from Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) and Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology, Bangalore


Appeal for Oxygen Cylinder:

Industry owners are requested to return their idle Oxygen cylinders to the suppliers for conversion to Medical Oxygen cylinders. At this moment of crisis, this will help in increasing the supply as there is acute shortage of Oxygen cylinders.

We also request Industry owners to convert their Industrial Oxygen Cylinders and lend/donate to Oxygen Suppliers for them to supply to the needy hospitals. SOP for conversion of Industrial cylinders to medical ones can be found in the following URL:

We also urge the general public, suppliers and industries not to hoard cylinders at this time of crisis when everyday patients in critical need are deprived of required Oxygen leading to deaths. We are at a time to show our humanity to help our fellow citizens fighting for their lives.

Appeal on WhatsApp and other forwards and Shares:

There is a huge amount of forwards in circulation with information on various topics such as Oxygen suppliers, hospital beds, covid care, treatment and so on. A high percentage of these forwards are unverified and/or misinformation. At the time of critical need, people resort to all kinds of information handy with them including such forwards. Unverified and misinformation add to tremendous stress and sometimes may lead to wrong actions taken by someone on covid management. We urge to everyone not to forward or share information that are not verified well and you are absolutely convinced that they are genuine, important and useful.


This guidebook is a general information resource only and is not customized to any specific circumstances and hence it shouldn’t be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation. This document is made from the details available on public domain and we have tried to the best of the good intent in providing authentic and verified information however we do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third party providers linked through this guide.

Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to you or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any information provided in this platform.